Turkish-Japanese Science and Technology University



The vision statement of the Turkish-Japanese Science and Technology University (TJU) is: “To be a World-class, research-centered, frontier science and technology university”.

This vision statement presents TJU’s fundamental goal of becoming an internationally recognized global research university, building a distinct education program and a research capacity that is directed towards yielding scientific acumen and technological innovations. With this goal, TJU is also envisaged to nurture human resources capable of assuming leadership roles in contributing to the development and improvement of science and technology for the next generation alongside extensive industry and international collaborations.

Furthermore, TJU will develop and work with world-class scientists, scholars, engineers, and experts as leaders in their fields to reach its strategic goals and objectives.


The mission statement of TJU is: “Developing global scientists, contributing to cutting-edge science and technology, to the industry creating innovation and dealing with global challenges through symbiotic partnering of Türkiye and Japan to achieve all out-research excellence”. 

With this mission, TJU will contribute to the development and improvement of a science, technology, and innovation (STI) ecosystem through research and education at the world's highest standards by cooperation between Japan, Türkiye, and the international community.

In this respect, TJU will generate valuable deliverables that will serve as the basis for the development of the highly intelligent society (Society 5.0) while addressing the strategic priorities of Türkiye and Japan.  For this purpose, TJU will develop projects, perform research, and play a leading role in accordance with its founding purposes by sharing education and research know-how and experiences on science and technology accumulated by universities in Japan and the world.