Professor of Materials and Surface Sciences
Educational Background
Education after school: University of Salford: 1969-1974, BSc (Hons) degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Manchester Polytechnic: 1975 (CNAA Dipl. in Management Studies, sponsored by British Aerospace- Dynamics)
University of Salford: (Ph.D.: 1980).
Membership of Learned Societies and Professional status:
Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (2012)
Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE) (1996)
Fellow of the Institution for Engineering and Technology (FIET) (1996)
Fellow of the Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining (FIMMM) (1997)
Fellow of the Institute of Metal Finishing (FIMF) (1997)
Chartered Engineer (CEng) (1977)
Employment Record
University of Manchester. Department of Materials, Professor of Surface Engineering and Tribology (Feb 2016-),
Director, EPSRC NetworkPlus in Digitalised Surface Manufacturing.
Member Henry Royce Institute.
Sheffield University, Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, Professor of Surface Engineering and Director, Research Centre in Surface Engineering Jan2003-Jan 2016,
Executive Director, Leonardo Centre for Tribology and Surface Technology, 2010- 2016
Head of Department 2007-2011.
University of Hull, Dept of Engineering Design and Manufacture, (School of Engineering) (1982-2003)
Appointed as: Lecturer 1982, Senior Lecturer 1986, Reader 1987, Professor 1989. Director, RCSE 1991.
University of Salford, Department of Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering. Senior Research Fellow (1976-82)
Hawker Siddeley Dynamics Ltd, Lostock. (Became British Aerospace) (1974-76)
Other Experiences and Roles
Many advisory positions in various governmental, learned society and industrial advisory committees, e.g.:
Member of the EPSRC Strategic Advisory Network.(2014-2019)
Member RAEng Membership Committee Panel 2, (2013-2016)
Member, IOM3 Sustainable Development Group. (2013-)
Member IOM3 Surface Engineering Division Board. (2012-)
Member Tribology-UK Operations Committee. (2014-)
External Advisor to the University of Linkoping FUNMAT Vinn Research and Innovation Centre. (2913-2017)
Member of the Peer Review team for the AC2T (Austria) COMET XTribology research programs. (2009-)
Board Member, Society of Vacuum Coaters (USA). (2008-2015)
Recent Awards Received:
2022 Nathaniel Sugarman Award of the Society of Vacuum Coaters “for seminal contributions to environmentally friendly plasma-assisted vacuum deposition processes, surface engineering approaches, and coatings tribology”.
2020 Leading Scientist Award from the European Society for Thin Films (EFDS-Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft Dünne Schichten e.V.), for his research in Plasma Surface Engineering.
2019 Lifetime Achievement Award of the Taiwan Association for Coatings and Thin Film Technology. “in recognition of Professor Matthews’ outstanding lifetime contributions to Thin-Films and Coating technologies”.
2018 R.F. Bunshah Award of the American Vacuum Society (AVS) Advanced Surface Engineering Division, “in recognition of outstanding contributions to surface engineering and coatings tribology”.
2018 T Bell Award of the IoM3 “in recognition of excellence and outstanding contribution in surface engineering”.
2011 IoM3 Gold Medal “for contributions in the field of Surface Engineering” (the Premier Award of the IoM3 for “a company, team or individual who has made a significant contribution to the industrial application of materials”.